![]() Hi, there!
We come bearing great news - the theme park magic is BACK and so are we!! We’ve been working behind the scenes to adapt our gift basket business to this crazy post-quarantine world and we think we’ve finally done it!
We are now shipping all our gifts directly to WDW and UO Resorts! As a result of COVID-19, Walt Disney World/Universal Orlando Resorts and Mouse to Your House have made some changes to the way we serve you in the interest of public health and safety. What does that mean? We are now packing up the magic and SHIPPING your gifts directly to the resorts! While our current basket offerings look new to you, they will be wrapped up with more magic and love than ever before. Your delivery will be shipped with a tracking number directly to the resort. We will continue to utilize our barcode system to facilitate additional logging by the resort so that your guest will receive their prize as swiftly as possible! Don’t worry about that $5 delivery fee either - Aya and I are covering that by including a crisp Lincoln (and an explanatory note) in every basket shipped to a Walt Disney World resort. More details on what we are doing internally in response to COVID-19 here and answers to our updated FAQ's here.
We know price is more important to you than ever! Like you, we are doing everything in our power to get the travel industry back up and running (safely). We were able to dramatically lower costs on these shipped gifts - and we are passing those savings through to you. For comparison’s sake, a Snacks + Surprise used to retail for $43, and we can now offer a better version of that for under $27 + shipping ($3-5). That is an average savings of TWELVE DOLLARS on one basket! We hope this cost savings helps you to jumpstart your business!
What’s the new process? Glad you asked! You’ll add your items to your cart in the same way - the only thing that will change is WHERE you enter the information. Once your order is received, we will get it wrapped up and ready to ship! We will hold any baskets ordered in advance and ship them to the resort one week prior to arrival. You will still receive an email when the gift has arrived at the resort. We think the new process is easier than ever, and we hope you’ll agree!
We're all in this together. (#WildCats!) We hope you will continue to support our small business through this new time, and we are looking forward to helping you continue to grow yours! If you have any questions or want to know more about the new process - send us an email. We are here to make this transition as smooth as possible!
We love you, we are here for you, and we are ready to get this train back on the tracks!